Friday, September 12, 2008

friday night lights.

it's been a year since i've had the privilege of covering friday night football. i'm not a huge fan of the sport itself, but i love going to the high school games, just for the atmosphere. neither my high school nor my college had football teams, so i never got to experience going to a game with a bunch of friends after class to cheer on the team for no other reason than they're your home team.

tonight i got to cover St. Mary's catholic school, and i have to say, i really dig that school's spirit. at every game, for every sport, there's at least 50 kids in face-paint or costume, all school colors, cheering and jeering from beginning to end. and as a photographer it's great because everyone's so enthralled by the action, they have very little time to worry about me taking their photo.

so here's to tonight's blow-out... i'm just bummed that because of deadline i never get to stay until the end. one of these days, i hope to. just to see what happens.

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