Thursday, November 13, 2008

studio 2.

i went back yesterday to different fur studios for another night of photographing the week-long studio session for the southern-california band, Media. three days of almost 24-hour sessions had started to take its toll on all involved. everyone was tired and/or hopped up on coffee and the occasional beer, which lead to some really funny interactions. here are some of my favorites from the night. it's a shame i have some assignments to shoot for the next few days, because i'm sure it would be even more entertaining during the final day home-stretch.

burt was trying to nap as jordan sang along to the recorded tracks so far:bryan rocks out:during some down time, burt got creative with an oil pen:all you need to record a full-length album:joe gives bryan lessons in rockstardom:and remember, coffee is your friend as exhaustion sets in:
burt and friends have fun with tape as it gets closer to midnight:

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