Sunday, August 12, 2007

who needs a v-card when you're 21?

nothing provides better situations for photographs than a 21-year-old's big birthday. i might not be far past that age myself, but nothing makes you feel older than being at a party with college students that gets busted by the cops barely past midnight... and being hidden in a room with some friends, lights out, whispering so the cops won't catch you as they're kicking people out of the house.

but it was good times, right?

of course.

we got to welcome alex welsh to the wonderful world of legalized boozing. the only instructions i had for the night: 1) take pictures of everyone, and 2) don't give alex too many drinks because his stomach won't allow him to throw up, so he might die and you don't want that on your hands.

easy enough.
you made it this far, kid. at least we don't have to sneak you into any more bars.

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